Data protection FAQ
All about cookies
What are cookies? A cookie is a small file placed onto your hard drive by the server of the website you’re visiting. It contains several data elements:
- The name of the server who placed it
- A non-nominative identifier in the form of a unique number
- an expiry date (in France, the duration recommended by the CNIL is fixed at 13 months)
This information is sometimes stored on your computer in a simple text file, which servers may access in order to read and save data.
Are there different types of cookies?
“First-party” and “third-party” cookies refer to the website or domain issuing the cookie: “first-party” cookies are associated with the domain of the site you’re visiting, and “third-party” cookies are associated with a separate domain. For example, if you visit an AT Internet customers’ website, the site might place a “first-party” cookie on your browser, or a “third-party” cookie from AT Internet.
In both cases, the reasons for using the cookie remain the same as explained above.
How do cookies help visitors?
With cookies, websites can customise a user’s browsing experience online for more streamlined and personalised interactions.
How do cookies help us at AT Internet?
We use cookies to improve audience measurement. Thanks to cookies, we can measure and optimise digital activity on our own websites. By using AT Internet’s cookies, our customers can also achieve the same goal on their own sites.
What information does AT Internet collect via cookies?
All data we collect gives us insights into users’ browsing and behaviour on our websites, and the websites of our customers. Some examples of the types of data we collect:
- number of visitors
- repeat visits
- number of page views
- time spent on each page
This information helps us to gauge users’ interests, and then improve website content and usability accordingly.
Where is this cookie data stored?
All analytics data collected via AT Internet trackers is stored in the European Union.
Who has access to this data?
Only you and AT Internet have access to the AT Internet’s audience measurement cookies.
How long do AT Internet’s cookies stay on my browser?
AT Internet cookies remain active for a fixed period of 13 months.
Can cookies carry viruses?
No. Most all cookies are strings of text – they contain data and are not executable programs, so therefore cannot harm your computer.
What is the “opt-out cookie”?
When you refuse to allow the collection of navigational data from your visit to a website or mobile site, you must accept an opt-out cookie so that this preference is stored on your browser; this ensures that your deactivation request is recognised and stored each time you visit the site in the future.
If you disable the placing of any cookies on your browser, your user experience may be affected. Certain cookies are essential to the functioning of various sites. To avoid these issues, you can simply accept the placing of the AT Internet opt-out cookie, allowing your preference not to be tracked to be taken into account, while still allowing you to benefit from a seamless browsing experience.
How do I disable AT Internet cookies?
You can set your preferences and make your choice regarding the activation or deactivation of this cookie from this page at any time.
By clicking on “I choose OPT-OUT” you will automatically receive, without any further action on your part, the OPT-OUT cookie which will prevent AT Internet from tracking your browsing on the sites measured by AT Internet.
To cancel this choice and delete this OPT-OUT cookie, simply click on “I choose OPT-OUT”. The sites you visit will then be able to track your browsing again.
Removing or blocking cookies is done at the browser level. Depending on your browser(s), please visit the following page(s) for help with managing your cookies:
- Microsoft’s Windows Internet Explorer (select your browser version)
- Microsoft’s Windows Internet Explorer Mobile
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome for desktop
- Google Chrome for mobile
- Apple Safari for desktop
- Apple Safari for mobile
- Opera
Please note, this list is not exhaustive. If you use a different browser, please explore your specific browser’s settings to manage and delete cookies.
Mobile IDs
What is a mobile ID?
A mobile ID is a unique identifier enabling a device (smartphone, tablet, etc.) to be recognised in a unique manner.
Are there different types of mobile ID?
Yes, depending on the operating system, there are different IDs available to mobile app publishers. For example, UUID, IDFV or IDFA exist for Apple’s iOS, and UUID, Android ID or Advertising ID exist for Android.
What information does AT Internet collect with the mobile ID?
As with cookies, Mobile ID permits us to track information such as visitor data, visit data, page view data, etc.
Geolocation & IP addresses
How do you geolocate desktop visitors?
We use IP addresses to identify the geographic locations of website visitors at a regional level (or in some countries, at the city level).
How do you geolocate mobile visitors?
To geolocate mobile users’ devices, AT Internet may use two methods:
- IP address: We collect the IP address depending on how the user’s mobile device accesses the Internet – either via a WiFi access point, or the nearest 3G/4G cell tower.
- GPS coordinates truncated to a decimal: these coordinates are then converted into geolocation. The coordinates are never displayed on our customers’ web interface.
How and when are IP addresses truncated?
Upon client request, IP addresses are truncated before geolocation happens. We will truncate the last octet (the last 3 digits) and only retain the truncated IP address.
By default, truncation (removal of the last octet) is automatically applied to the IP addresses of Internet users visiting the websites of:
- our German subsidiary AT Internet GmbH’s customers
- our customers who have subscribed to the “cookie consent exemption” option offered by AT Internet SAS (France), in agreement with the CNIL (France’s data protection authority, the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés)
How long do you store this data?
The IP addresses and any GPS coordinates collected are part of the raw data. By default, we keep this data for 25 months and it is not accessible to the customer.
Data Protection Officer
What is the role of a Data Protection Officer (DPO)?
A Data Protection Officer is a person in charge of the protection of personal data processed by an organisation (whether it’s a company, governmental body, etc.). This relatively new role has become much more prevalent due to the GDPR.
The DPO is a true “conductor” in terms of ensuring his/her organisation’s compliance with data protection requirements. The DPO is responsible for several missions:
- inform and advise the data controller or data processor, as well as its employees
- ensure European and national data protection regulations are respected
- advise his/her organisation on privacy impact assessments (PIAs) and verify they are carried out correctly
- cooperate with the supervisory authority and act as the point of contact for this authority
In which cases is an organisation required to designate a DPO?
Per article 37 of the GDPR, a data controller or data processor must designate a DPO if:
- processing is carried out by a public authority or body
- their core activities require regular and systematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale
- their core activities require processing (on a large scale) of “sensitive” data or data relating to criminal convictions and offences
In all other cases, it is strongly recommended to designate a DPO. Keep in mind that each EU Member State has the freedom to make DPO designation mandatory. For example, Germany has maintained its requirement for DPO designation for all organisations with 10 or more employees.
Who is AT Internet’s DPO?
AT Internet has designated a DPO at the group level, Mr. Louis-Marie Guérif.
Louis-Marie has also been specifically appointed Data Protection Officer at our German subsidiary.
He can be contacted:
- By mail: AT Internet, DPO, 85 avenue JF Kennedy 33700 Mérignac, France
- By email: dpo(a)
- Via the contact form available
Legislation on personal data
What European legislation is currently in force?
- Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 July 2002 concerning privacy and electronic communications, amended by Directive 2009/136/EC of 25 November 2009
How does AT Internet apply the GDPR?
AT Internet has made a practical guide available to its customers, which explains in detail how to ensure GDPR compliance within the framework of AT Internet solution usage.
A DPA (Data Processing Agreement) is signed between AT Internet and its customers.
For more information on the guide, customers may contact our Support Centre.
Does AT Internet apply any other legislation?
Yes. AT Internet respects and applies the legislation currently in force in Singapore:
- Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”): Governs the collection, use, disclosure and care of personal data.
- See all of Singapore’s personal data protection legislation
Data quality certifications
We guarantee reliable and secure data for our customers with the most demanding data protection requirements. Our commitment to transparency is also demonstrated by the international seals and certifications we have earned from various regulatory bodies, in France and worldwide:
ABC – United Kingdom |
ACPM (OJD France) |
KIA-INDEX – Sweden |
Terminology & definitions
Please consult our glossary for explanations and definitions for terms related to data privacy and digital analytics.
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To survive and thrive in today’s post-GDPR world, companies need to be able to clearly demonstrate to end users that they operate in an accountable…
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