AT Internet

The connector between AT Internet and Klipfolio allows you to visualise your key data in a few clicks. With the Analytics Suite 2 API, import as much data as you like into Klipfolio dashboards. Keep control of your data by simply building custom Klips and dashboards without needing any technical knowledge. Say goodbye to manual reports and hello to automation by sharing your dynamic dashboard. Schedule the sending of emails, reports in PDF format, shareable web links, etc…
Klipfolio is a cloud app for building and sharing real-time business dashboards on web browsers, TV monitors and mobile devices. Klipfolio helps you stay in control of your business by giving you visibility into your most important data and metrics, wherever you are. Klipfolio is trusted and relied on by over 11,000 of the world’s best and brightest organisations. As a leader in the cloud-based business intelligence dashboarding and reporting market, Klipfolio is a cost-effective, flexible analytics solution that integrates with hundreds of data services to create powerful business insights. With customers in healthcare, financial services, consumer goods, non-profit, and marketing, sales, support, Klipfolio is changing the way data is used one Klip at a time.
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